Brad Fuller talks Friday the 13th Sequel

It has been a long while since Brad Fuller was on Twitter and it left many people wondering if there would ever be any more information coming from the mega producer about Platinum Dunes films. Today, however, Mr. Fuller is back on Twitter and wanting to set a few things straight pertaining to their Friday the 13th and Nightmare On Elm Street franchises. One film still has promise and the other, not so much.

Below is what Mr. Fuller had to say on his Twitter account:

"Lots of rumors out there. I want to set the record straight on freddy and Jason .

First, let's talk Jason

Shannon and swift wrote a great script. We are ready to go, when new line is ready. But as of yet, they are not ready.

As for Freddy, as far as I know, there isnt even talk of writing another script.

Rated R Horror movies, right now, don't seem to generate interest from the studios.

There is still hope for rated r horror, because it is profitable, but there is a larger interest in tent pole film."

For right now, it seems that he is at least optimistic that Platinum Dunes still has a chance to make a Friday the 13th sequel. However, the Nightmare franchise doesn't look to have one leg or foot to stand on. Stay tuned for more info as it is made available for the next chapter in the Friday the 13th saga!


  1. I am least pleased to hear that there is still a chance of this happening. Especially if there is a script already in place. Bring it on!

  2. I thought Platinum Dunes was out of this? Perhaps they somehow are back in the running to produce? At any rate, I am glad to hear that there is still something happening here!

  3. awesome.i wander how they will bring back jason if he is dead without totally ripping off part 6.i want to see more alive jason.i hope thy make it snow.

  4. Crystal Lake SlasherJanuary 29, 2011 at 12:42 PM

    I would be happy with another Jason adventure, but why do they keep going back to Shannon and Swift? Is there no one else out there that can write a Friday the 13th film?

  5. Thank god, I'm excited to see what comes from this. I don't think it will be for a few years, but at least there's something going on. We should sign a petition to get the ball rolling on the film lol

  6. From what I was told, PD was not involved, but things change quick in the business, so who knows. But it is nice that Fuller out it out there that Friday the 13th is still an option.

  7. I don't get these companies at all. If they do not want to invest anymore in a franchise they own, then go ahead and sell it to another company that will not mind making rated R horror films.

  8. I'm not sure why there is such hesitation, maybe New Line is searching around for someone else still and don;t want to green light PD. But hey, if the script is ready, let us see it now, so we the fans can change it as we see fit before it goes into production lol. I would love to see a snow movie as well, it has been rumored.

    As far as Freddy goes, upset that it has no life because i love the franchise, but what they made was crap.

  9. I hope they go with someone else. The remake was ok but it needed more inventive kills, more suspense and better music. And for god sake don't film it in Texas, go with the northeast.

  10. They should just get this done. C'Mon! :)

  11. They really should get this going! I don't mind if Platinum Dunes comes back though as I liked the reboot

  12.  there has to be another movie... it would be the 13th in the series.... how could they not? XD


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