Ken Kirzinger Goes Camping With Other Jason's This June

The folks behind MonsterMania's Friday the 13th reunion event Return To Camp Crystal Lake have promised to announce a new guest each day for the rest of the week and to kick off their announcements, they have continued adding more psychos to the fold. How about another actor who portrayed Jason in more than one film besides Kane Hodder!?

As we have written about earlier in the year, Jason actor Ken Kirzinger is the only other man besides Kane Hodder to portray Jason in two different films. Ken played Jason in a few scenes in Jason Take Manhattan and then took on the main role in Freddy vs Jason. To get more exact information on Ken's role in Jason Takes Mahattan, visit our report on the matter.

This Friday the 13th event is shaping up quite nicely and the fans are getting very excited. Look for more Friday alumn guest annoucements the rest of the week and a possible surprise for our visitors. In the mean time, visit the event web site for Return To Camp Crystal Lake to find out where the event is taking place as well as ticket prices!

June 3-5, 2011
Return To Camp Crystal Lake (Monster Mania)
Hunt Valley, Maryland
Discussion Thread

1. Sean Cunningham (Director, Friday the 13th 1980)
2. Ari Lehman (Jason Voorhees, Friday the 13th 1980)
3. Adrienne King: (Alice Hardy, Friday the 13th 1980)
4. Betsy Palmer (Mrs. Voorhees, Friday the 13th 1980)
5. Amy Steel (Ginny Field, Friday the 13th Part 2)
6. Steve Dash (Jason Voorhees, Friday the 13th Part 2)
7. Richard Brooker (Jason Voorhees, Friday the 13th Part 3)
8. Catherine Parks (Vera Sanchez, Friday the 13th Part 3)
9. John Hock (Jason Voorhees, Friday the 13th: A New Beginning)
10. Dick Wieand (Roy Burns, Friday the 13th: A New Beginning)
11. Melanie Kinamman (Pam Roberts, Friday the 13th: A New Beginning)
12. Miguel Nunez (Demon, Friday the 13th: A New Beginning)
13. Kane Hodder (Jason Voorhees, Friday the 13th Part 7-8, Jason Goes To Hell, Jason X)
14. Ken Kirzinger (Jason Voorhees, Friday the 13th Part 8, Freddy vs Jason)
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