Friday the 13th: The Body Count
The Friday the 13th film franchise has amassed over one hundred dead bodies during the run of the film series. Each film delivers its unique collection of inventive kills and death sequences. Below, you will read about the untimely demise of each victim in their respective film at the hands of either Mrs. Voorhees, Jason Voorhees or other "pseudo" characters!
All deaths listed below are in order of when they happened in the film.

1. Barry - knife to the stomach
2. Claudette - killed offscreen (Behind the scenes pic shows slit throat)
3. Annie - throat slit with knife
4. Ned - throat slit off screen
5. Jack - arrow through back of neck from below bed
6. Marcie - axe to the face
7. Brenda - killed offscreen
8. Steve Christy - hunting knife to the stomach
9, Bill - throat slit and pinned to door with arrows
10. Mrs. Voorhees - decapitated with machete

1 : Alice - stabbed in the temple with an ice pick
2 : Crazy Ralph - Strangled to death with barbed wire
3 : Policeman - hammer claw to back of the head
4 : Scott - throat slit with top end of machete
5 : Terry - Killed off screen
6 : Mark - macheted in the face
7 : Jeff and
8 : Sandra - double impaling with a spear
9 : Vickie - stabbed in chest/sternum

1. Harold - meat cleaver to chest
2. Edna - knitting needle to back of the head
3. Fox - pinned to rafter with pitchfork through neck
4. Loco - pitchfork to the stomach
5. Shelly - throat slashed (offscreen)
6. Vera - spear fired into eye
7. Andy - macheted in half while walking on hands
8. Debbie - knifed through chest from beneath hammock
9. Chuck - electrocuted on fuse box
10. Chili - impaled with fireplace poker through chest
11. Rick - head squeezed until eye pops out
12. Ali - Originally bludgeoned with a wrench; later recovers and has arm hacked off with machete and then chopped with machete

1. Axel - surgical hacksaw to the throat, neck twisted and broken
2. Nurse Morgan - gutted with a scalpel
3. Hitchhiker - knife through back of neck
4. Samantha - knife through the torso while laying in raft
5. Paul - spear to the groin while climbing onto pier
6. Terri - spear in the back
7. Mrs. Jarvis - killed offscreen
8. Jimmy - corkscrew through hand, meat cleaver to the face
9. Tina - thrown through a window and lands on a parked car
10. Ted - knife to back of head through movie screen
11. Doug - head crushed by Jason's bare hands against bathroom wall
12. Sara - axe to the chest through front door
13. Rob - garden harrow to the throat
14. Jason Voorhees - machete to the left side of his head through eye socket

1. Neil - machete to stomach in Tommy's dream
2. Les - icepick in the neck in Tommy's dream
3. Joey - Axed to death
4. Vinnie - road flare in the mouth
5. Pete - throat slashed with a machete
6. Billy - axe to back of the head
7. Lana - axe to the chest
8. Raymond - hunting knife in the stomach
9. Tina - garden shears in the eyes
10. Eddie - head crushed with a leather strap against a rtree
11. Anita - throat slashed
12. Demon - speared in the chest through an outhouse wall
13. Junior - decapitated with a meat cleaver
14. Ethel - cleaver to the face through window
15. Jake - cleaver in the face
16. Robin - macheted through chest from beneath bed
17. Violet - macheted in the stomach
18. Duke - found in ambulance with throat sliced
19. Matt - railroad spike through his head and into a tree
20. George - eyes gouged out, thrown through a window
21. Roy(Pseudo Jason) - impaled on a tractor harrow

1. Allen - heart ripped out
2. Darren - spear to groin/stomach and tossed aside
3. Lizbeth - speared through the mouth.
4. Burt - arm ripped off, thrown into tree
5. Stan and
6. Katie and
7. Larry - triple decapitation with a machete
8. Martin - broken bottle in the throat
9. Steven and
10. Annette - double impalement with a machete on their motorcycle
11 Nikki - face crushed against RV wall
12. Cort - hunting knife in the head
13. Roy - chopped to pieces, appendages found in forest
14. Sissy - head ripped off
15. Paula - hacked up with a machete
16. Officer Thornton - dart in the forehead
17. Officer Pappas - head crushed in Jason's bare hands
18. Sheriff Garris - bent backwards and broken in half

1. John Shepard - drowned in Crystal Lake
2. Jane - tent spike in the neck, impaled to a tree
3. Michael - tent spike thrown into his back
4. Dan - Jason's hand punched through his chest and neck broken
5. Judy - slammed against a tree in her sleeping bag
6. Russell - axe swing to the face
7. Sandra - pulled underwater and drowned
8. Maddy - scythe in the neck
9. Ben - head crushed in Jason's bare hands
10. Kate - party horn in the eye
11. David - butcher knife in the stomach, beheaded (offscreen)
12. Eddie - throat sliced with a machete
13. Robin - thrown through a window
14. Amanda Shepard - impaled through chest from behind with brush hook
15. Dr. Crews - tree-trimming saw in the stomach
16. Melissa - axe to the face

1. Jim - stabbed with a spear gun
2. Suzi - stabbed with a spear
3. J.J. - bashed in the head with her electric guitar
4. Boxer - hot sauna rock in the chest
5. Tamara - stabbed with multiple mirror shards
6. Jim Carlson - harpooned in back
7. Admiral Robertson - throat slit with a knife
8. Eva - strangled
9. Crew member - accidentally shot by Wayne
10. Wayne - electrocuted on a control panel
11. Miles - impaled on antenna
12. Deck Hand - axe to the back
13. Gang Banger #1 - stabbed through the back with his own syringe
14. Gang Banger #2 - bashed and scalded on a steam pipe
15. Julius - decapitated by punch
16. Irish Cop - dragged into an alley, killed offscreen
17. Colleen van Deusen - blown up in an exploding car.
18. Charles McCullough - drowned in a barrel of sewage
19. Sanitation Worker - bashed in the head with a wrench

1. Coroner - eats Jason's heart and becomes possessed
2. Coroner's Assistant - Autopsy probe in the back of the head, face pushed through a metal grating
3. FBI Agent #1 - pencil through his spinal cord (offscreen)
4. FBI Agent #2 - fingers through his skull (offscreen)
5. Camper Alexis - slashed up with a straight razor
6. Camper Deborah - stabbed through the back with a metal post and ripped in half
7. Camper Luke - head crushed (offscreen)
8. Edna - head slammed in car door
9. Josh - possessed by Jason, shot in head and impaled with poker, later melts away after demon leaves body
10. Diana Kimble - knife-sharpening pole in back
11. Robert Campbell - possessed by Jason, later shot in head, run over with car, impaled on a barbecue skewer
12. Officer Ryan - head bashed against a locker
13. Officer Mark - and
14. Officer Brian - heads bashed together
15. Ward - arm broken, falls dead through the diner doors
16. Diner Patron #1 - crushed onto diner counter
17. Diner Patron #2 - caught by stray shotgun blast
18. Shelby - burned to death on a deep-fat fryer and grill
19. Joey B. - face bashed in by Robert's elbow
20. Vicki - impaled on a barbecue skewer, head crushed by Robert
21. Sheriff Landis - impales himself on magic dagger
22. Randy - possessed by Jason, later his neck is severed with a machete
23. Creighton Duke - chest and back crushed by Jason bear hugging him.

1. Private Johnson - chain wrapped around neck and suffocated
2. Guard 1 - machine gun blow to the head
3. Guard 2 - choked and thrown, shot by Guard 3
4. Guard 3 - face bashed in by noose pole
5. Guard 4 - choked by chain around neck
6. Dr. Wimmer - impaled by noose pole
7. Sgt. Marcus - thrown through metal door
8. Adrienne - face frozen in liquid nitrogen and smashed on counter
9. Stoney - stabbed in stomach with space machete
10. Azrael - back broken over knee
11. Dallas - head crushed against wall
12. Sven - neck broken by slowly twisting it
13. Condor - impaled on large mining drill
14. Geko - throat slit with space machete
15. Briggs - impaled on large hook
16. Kicker - Cut in half with space machete
17. Fat Lou - Cut into pieces (offscreen)
18. Professor Lowe - decapitated (offscreen)
19. Kinsa - rams shuttle into Grendel, dies in explosion
20. Crutch - electrocuted on pilot console
21. Waylander - back broken, dies in walkway explosion
22. Janessa - sucked through metal grate into space
23. Sgt. Brodski - dies entering Earth 2's atmosphere while holding onto Uber-Jason

1. Heather - impaled with machete and pinned to tree (Jason) (Dream)
2. Trey - stabbed with machete repeatedly, folded in half in bed (Jason)
3. Blake's Dad - decapitated by machete (Jason)
4. Blake - slashed with machete (Jason)
5. Frisell (Glow Sticks Raver) and
6. Gibb - double impalement with a long pipe (Jason)
7. Shack's Friend - head twisted around (Jason)
8. Shack - impaled by flaming machete (Jason)
9. Raver #1 - sliced with machete (Jason)
10. Raver #2 - sliced with machete (Jason)
11. Raver #3 - slashed in shoulder (Jason)
12. Raver #4 - sliced in stomach with machete (Jason)
13. Raver #5 - slashed with machete (Jason)
14. Mark - face slashed with razors and then set on fire (Freddy)
15. Security Guard - crushed by heavy door (Jason)
16. Deputy Stubbs - electrocuted on console (Jason)
17. Freeburg - chopped in half with machete (Jason)
18. Linderman - impaled on shelf bracket (Jason)
19. Kia - slashed with machete and thrust into tree (Jason)
20. Freddy Krueger - arm ripped off by and own glove rammed through torso by Jason. Decapitated by Lori

1. Mrs. Voorhees - Head decapitated
2. Wade - Ear cut off and stabbed with machete
3. Amanda - Burned and suffered smoke inhalation while hanging in sleeping bag
4. Mike - stabbed multiple times through floor board in foot and leg. Pulled under floor and killed
5. Richie - Foot caught in bear trap, head split in half by machete
6. Donnie - Neck slashed by machete
7. Nolan - Arrow shot into head while on speed boat
8. Chelsea - Machete thrust into top of head through lake pier
9. Chewie - Stabbed in neck with screw driver and choked on own blood
10. Lawrence - Axe thrown into back and pressed through chest
11. Bree - Body thrust on antler door hook
12. Officer Bracke - fire place poker stabbed into eye
13. Trent DeMarco - Stabbed through chest with machete and thrown on spikes on back of tow truck
14. Jenna - Stabbed through chest with machete