Todd Farmer's Plans For Jason X 2 And 3

Just before the year turned over to 2012, Jason X writer Todd Farmer published his newest blog at for which he outlined his plans for sequels to Jason X if New Line Cinema had decided to go forward with his stories. There are some real interesting ideas outlined for Uber Jason, which include time travel!
For Todd's "trilogy", there was a much different Jason X planned before getting to the two sequels. We have posted the part of his blog that outlines his original ideas for the three movies, below.
In JXI he would be brought back in a lab from DNA that survived reentry. Or magic. Or religion. Or lightning. What? Those too far fetched? The bulk of the story would take place on Earth II in a Bladerunner city (that was the original take by the way but deemed too expensive to shoot). Unable to kill the varmint who can’t be killed, Earth II survivors send him back in time to kill his former self thus wiping his existence from History. What? Too far fetched? The object of JXI wasn’t to see that plan fulfilled, but to simply get him into the worm hole. Thus, someone eles… sometime eles’s problem.
JXII would open on a young, pregnant but barely showing Pam… as Uber drops from a wormhole. Or portal. Or Tardis. But Uber stalking young Pamela “Conner” was considered a bit too Terminator so a plan B was created.
JXII would open in the past allowing us to meet past Rowan just before the military action that would lead to the secret underground base at the opening of Jason X. Rowan goes ahead to the lab to prepare. But then Jason spanks the military. A complete and utter wipeout. The boys in camo never had a chance. As Jason is just about to kill Hot Scientist girl, Uber Jason drops from a worm hole… or portal or Tardis. Run, kill, chop, slash. Hot Scientist figures out Uber is from the future because she’s like a scientist and stuff. If Uber Jason kills past Jason then metal version vanishes and both are gone. Of course, Uber Jason does not kill past Jason. Other way around. Past Jason barely survies the final fight leaving him vulnerable to the military. Movie would end with the military taking advantage and capturing Jason, locking him in chains and taking him the the secret underground facility where Rowan prepares to run tests on him. Circle of life, complete.
What do you think about this new twist on Jason in space? To read the entire post by Todd Farmer, check out his posting at!