Shop The New Friday The 13th: The Film Franchise Store

It has been long debated among the small few that run this website if we should add a web store to this website as it really was not the intention to have such a service when this website started almost two years ago. However, a huge surge in traffic and a few requests have led us to add our very first web store to! The store is powered by Amazon and we have custom tailored its contents to fit all of our Friday The 13th fan's needs.

Visit Our Store to see what items are available!

Our Amazon power store was created to give fans a one stop shop for certain Friday The 13th items that may interest them. If sales are made from this store, yes, our website does receive a commission. However, the commission is not necessary at all to keep our website running. The store is a service only, something to enhance visitor's experience, and any money made from transactions will go right into items for future contests! If you have any questions or concerns about the store, please leave them in the Comments section below and we are ready to listen to what you have to say!


  1. So if we buy something from this store, does this site ship it, or does Amazon?

  2. It will ship from Amazon


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