Shipping Update: NECA Friday The 13th Part 3 Jason Figures
We have had a lot of fans asking us when the new Friday The 13th Part 3 NECA Jason figures would be showing up in stores and all we could mention is that we were told August as a general date. Over the web this past week, fans have started receiving their figures that were purchased from online stores, but now word has come from NECA themselves that the figures are coming to stores very soon.
According to the official NECA website, both versions of the Part 3 figures have begun shipping to stores, so fans should expect to see them at your local retailers very, very soon. Make sure to check back here in the coming months for news on the shipping date for the Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter figures and updates on what NECA has in store next for Jason Voorhees in 2013!
Which figures are you going to get? Regular Jason Voorhees, battle damaged, or both?
According to the official NECA website, both versions of the Part 3 figures have begun shipping to stores, so fans should expect to see them at your local retailers very, very soon. Make sure to check back here in the coming months for news on the shipping date for the Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter figures and updates on what NECA has in store next for Jason Voorhees in 2013!
Which figures are you going to get? Regular Jason Voorhees, battle damaged, or both?

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