BRACKET CHALLENGE: Round 1, Sgt. Brodski vs Creighton Duke
The Friday The 13th Bracket Challenge puts the iconic characters of the franchise against one another in a elimination contest where fans vote on who wins and who loses.....their limbs. There will be two match-ups added to the website each week and fans can decide on who they would like to see advance to the next round by adding your vote in our Comments section below. Voting ends every Saturday with results posted every Sunday.
Results of the game can be tracked at our Bracket Challenge Page at any time.
Sgt. Brodski is in charge of the space marines accompanying the students on an expedition to old Earth on the ship Grendel in Jason X. He is reluctant to have to endure the babysitting duty of watching over the students and was a bit uncomfortable about bringing Jason's frozen body on the ship. Alas, Brodski's worries came true and had to go mono y mono with the new Uber-Jason by riding him into the atmosphere of Earth 2
Creighton Duke is the bounty hunter hired to track down Jason Voorhees in Crystal Lake in Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday. He has an intimate history with Jason as his wife was murdered by the maniac years before, prompting him to become a bounty hunter. Duke knew the only way to end Mr. Voorhees forever and antagonized the killer to have a one final taste of the Duke.
Which one will win this knock down drag out fight? Make sure to vote in the Comments Section below!
Results of the game can be tracked at our Bracket Challenge Page at any time.

Sgt. Brodski is in charge of the space marines accompanying the students on an expedition to old Earth on the ship Grendel in Jason X. He is reluctant to have to endure the babysitting duty of watching over the students and was a bit uncomfortable about bringing Jason's frozen body on the ship. Alas, Brodski's worries came true and had to go mono y mono with the new Uber-Jason by riding him into the atmosphere of Earth 2
Creighton Duke is the bounty hunter hired to track down Jason Voorhees in Crystal Lake in Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday. He has an intimate history with Jason as his wife was murdered by the maniac years before, prompting him to become a bounty hunter. Duke knew the only way to end Mr. Voorhees forever and antagonized the killer to have a one final taste of the Duke.
Which one will win this knock down drag out fight? Make sure to vote in the Comments Section below!