Witness The Mrs. Voorhees Shrine Head Prop From 'Friday The 13th Part 2'

Everyone knows the famous Mrs. Voorhees shrine scene near the end of Friday The 13th Part 2 where our favorite heroin Ginny stumbles into Jason's shack and makes the ghastly discovery. The prop used for Mrs. Voorhees' head located on that shrine was made from foam latex and has not been made readily available for public consumption in many years. Well, Tom Spina Designs was recently tasked with doing a complete restoration on the iconic prop by a private owner of the piece and what they have done is simply marvelous.
Below you will see the head prop in its original decaying state and the final restoration of the item completed in a really cool display case/base. In my mind, this is a pretty important piece of history for the franchise and I am glad the owner had it restored for fans to continue to enjoy for the future.