Those Damn Enchiladas. Custom Demon Figure From ‘A New Beginning’
Recently, Friday The 13th: A New Beginning as gained a lot of support from the community as a film in the franchise, and the characters within the story have garnered more appreciation as well. In fact, the characters as a whole are probably the best collection off-beat personalities in the franchise, which makes every viewing of A New Beginning that much more enjoyable. With the current boom in nostalgic character action figures from the 1980’s, we will always wonder if companies like NECA will ever release characters from the films besides Jason. With that being said, talented fans have taken it upon themselves to make these characters.

We recently found an awesome fan created figure of Demon from A New Beginning and it is a collectible definitely worth being on your shelf. The brother of Reggie The Reckless had one of the most invasive deaths in the film (and the franchise), and as such artist Ryan Snapp celebrates his death by offering his custom figure with enchiladas and rolls of toilet paper! Pretty epic stuff if I do say so. If you’re interested in his work, you can check out this and other figures at and on Instagram.
Jason is back, hockey mask and all. And he's up to his old maniacal tricks in Friday the 13th Part V -- A New Beginning. This time he seems to have set his sights on the young patients at a secluded halfway house. And more than a few of his teen targets end up in half, in quarters ... you name it, Jason does it.
This is the fifth scary installment in the Friday the 13th saga. If you liked the the first four, and think you're up to getting back on Jason's bloody trail, you'll love Friday the 13th Part V -- A New Beginning.
This is the fifth scary installment in the Friday the 13th saga. If you liked the the first four, and think you're up to getting back on Jason's bloody trail, you'll love Friday the 13th Part V -- A New Beginning.