Jason Lives Actor Whitney Rydbeck Passes Away

Sad news today as it was announced overnight that actor Whitney Rydbeck has passed away. His comedic turn as Roy in Jason Lives: Friday The 13th Part VI was a definite highlight and a great moment of levity during the paintball scene. Throughout his life, he was always known to bring joy and humor to everyone around him.

UPDATE (7/20/24)
The Hollywood Reporter mentioned Whitney died from complications from prostate cancer while in hospice.

Director Tom McLoughlin has this to say in his social media:

We lost not only a truly funny comedian and actor…but one of the most good hearted human beings I’ve ever known. God Bless You and Rest in Peace..Whitney Rydbeck. Our Loss is Heavens’ Gain.

Rest In Peace Whitney and thank you for not only creating such a memorable character in the Jason Lives film, but also for bringing so much joy to those around you!

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