Shelly’s Axe-In-Head Prop From Friday The 13th Part 3 Restored

Longtime readers of our website know that we appreciate the props of the films in the franchise and make it a goal to feature as many props from Friday The 13th as possible. Some props are more rare than others, especially from the older films in the franchise. When a unique prop surfaces, we make sure to let the fans know about it right away.

Listen, Shelly might be a jerk, but he just doesn’t know how to relate to people. When he has trouble creating conversation, he decides to scare everyone by pretending to be killed via an axe to the head. No problem, correct? Well, his group of acquaintances would disagree, but that prop axe with fake hair Shelly used is also a great collectible for fans of Friday The 13th Part 3. Recently, Tom Spina Designs was commissioned to restore this aging prop from the film and add a nice display to present it to who ever is able to see it.

From their website:
The axe prop was in really good shape but since the top of it was built around a headband so it could easily slide on to the actor’s head we wanted to create a display stand that would support not only that but the handle as well. A stand like that is not something you are able to find in any store, which is one of the reasons we prefer to create custom pieces. In this case, a custom metal support was welded by our in-house welding and fabrication artist, Pierre Briel. This way we can ensure a proper fit and support for these very uncommon shaped pieces.

Make sure to visit the link to their site posted above to see more photos and read more about the prop and display.

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