Friday The 13th

Run Time: 1 Hour 35 minutes
U.S. Release: May 9, 1980
U.S. Gross: $39,754,60
Global Box Office: $59.7 Million
Opening Weekend: $5.8 Million
Film Dates: September 4- October 3, 1979
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Written by Simon Hawke
Based on screenplay by Victor Miller
Published by New American Library
Release date September 1987
It was going to be a fun summer at Camp Crystal. The young counselors were getting ready for it while they joked about the scary rumors attached to the isolated camp.
But evil was waiting in the shadows as the sun set. The laughter turned to screams... the easy living to agonized dying. For the light had gone and the wind was howling and it was - Friday the 13th.
Excerpts From The Book:
Lost Dialogue of Ned and Jack
Body Count
1. Barry - knife to the stomach
2. Claudette - killed offscreen (Behind the scenes pic shows slit throat)
3. Annie - throat slit with knife
4. Ned - throat slit off screen
5. Jack - arrow through back of neck from below bed
6. Marcie - axe to the face
7. Brenda - killed offscreen
8. Steve Christy - hunting knife to the stomach
9, Bill - throat slit and pinned to door with arrows
10. Mrs. Voorhees - decapitated with machete
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